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Model your RNA

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Please, remember an RNA sequence (limit of length 150 nt) with secondary structure OR RNA structure (in the PDB/mmCIF format) is required to do prediction.
Sequence length 0 of of allowed 150 nt.
The secondary structure input can consist of several lines for encoding pseudo-knots.

Select file Change Remove

The input file should contain RNA only. Modelling of RNA-protein complexes is not supported yet.

SAXS [optional]

Select file Change Remove

Text file with a SAXS curve. Make sure it is accepted by CRYSOL and FoXS.

Residues to freeze [optional]

e.g. 12:25,30:39, residues to freeze (they do not move in the simulation). Keep empty to allow moving all residues.

Number of steps of simulation [optional]

Number of steps of simulation:

What do you want to model?