Modomics - A Database of RNA Modifications


NameColorectal cancer (A:m1A)
DescriptionThe m1A distributions in cancer and adjacent tissue showed a noticable difference. Additionally, HGGAGRA and WGGANGA were found as the motifs that have significantly enriched.
Related RNA reactionA:m1A
Found in RNAlncRNAs
Modified Transcript
Mapping TechnologyMeRIP-seq, LncRNA-Seq
Quantification techniques

Enzymes connected to Colorectal cancer:

Acronym Full name Enzyme Role Organism Comment


ID Title Authors Journal Details PubMed Id DOI
1398 N1-methyladenosine profiling of long non-coding RNA in colorectal cancer. Liuhong Shi IUBMB Life [details] 34314547 -