AdoMet is the methyl group donor. Responsible for methylating the 5'cap structure of mRNAs. Nucleotide 0 is a cap. Beside its capping function, Abd1 has also a function in transcription by RNA polymerase II. This transcriptional function is independent of methylase activity. The m7G has a positively charge at neutral pH.
mRNA:guanine-N7 cap methyltransferases: identification of novel members of the family, evolutionary analysis, homology modeling, and analysis of sequence-structure-function relationships.
Dynamic association of capping enzymes with transcribing RNA polymerase II.
mRNA:guanine-N7 cap methyltransferases: identification of novel members of the family, evolutionary analysis, homology modeling, and analysis of sequence-structure-function relationships.
Mutational analysis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ABD1 gene: cap methyltransferase activity is essential for cell growth.
Structure-function analysis of the mRNA cap methyltransferase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Yeast mRNA cap methyltransferase is a 50-kilodalton protein encoded by an essential gene.