A cytidine deaminase edits C-to-U in transfer RNAs in archaea
X-Ray Diffraction
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Abstract of the PDB Structure's related Publication:
All canonical transfer RNAs (tRNAs) have a uridine at position 8, involved in maintaining tRNA tertiary structure. However, the hyperthermophilic archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri harbors 30 (out of 34) tRNA genes with cytidine at position 8. Here, we demonstrate C-to-U editing at this location in the tRNA's tertiary core, and present the crystal structure of a tRNA-specific cytidine deaminase, CDAT8, which has the cytidine deaminase domain linked to a tRNA-binding THUMP domain. CDAT8 is specific for C deamination at position 8, requires only the acceptor stem hairpin for activity, and belongs to a unique family within the "cytidine deaminase-like" superfamily. The presence of this C-to-U editing enzyme guarantees the proper folding and functionality of all M. kandleri tRNAs.
CDAT8 is responsible for C-to-U editing at position 8 in tRNA. It is composed of three domains: an N-terminal cytidine deaminase domain (CDD), a central ferredoxin-like domain (FLD), and a C-terminal THUMP domain. Works as a dimer. In Methanopyrus kandleri, only four tRNAs (tRNAGln UUG, tRNAPro GGG, tRNAPro UGG, and tRNAThr GGU) possess a U8 (T8 in the tRNA gene), whereas the other 30 tRNA genes encode C8. The highly conserved U8 in tRNAs forms a reverse Hoogsteen tertiary base pair with A14 that stabilizes the sharp kink between the acceptor stem and base A9. The C8 must be modified to U in order to support the tertiary interaction with A14, which is present in all 34 tRNAs.