The loss of m5C2278 results in anisomycin hypersensitivity. A combined loss of m5C2278 and Gm2288 cause dramatic ribosome instability, resulting in loss of 60S ribosomal subunits. Rcm1 interacts with Trm112 but deletion of Trm112 has no significant effect on the modification state of cytosine 2278.
Methylation of ribosomal RNA by NSUN5 is a conserved mechanism modulating organismal lifespan.
Schosserer M, Minois N, Angerer TB, Amring M, Dellago H, Harreither E, Calle-Perez A, Pircher A, Gerstl MP, Pfeifenberger S, Brandl C, Sonntagbauer M, Kriegner A, Linder A, Weinhausel A, Mohr T, Steiger M, Mattanovich D, Rinnerthaler M, Karl T, Sharma S, Entian KD, Kos M, Breitenbach M, Wilson IB, Polacek N, Grillari-Voglauer R, Breitenbach-Koller L, Grillari J...