The Bacillus subtilis open reading frame ysgA encodes the SPOUT methyltransferase RlmP forming 2'-O-methylguanosine at position 2553 in the A-loop of 23S rRNA
The Bacillus subtilis open reading frame ysgA encodes the SPOUT methyltransferase RlmP forming 2'- O-methylguanosine at position 2553 in the A-loop of 23S rRNA
Martine Roovers , Geoffray Labar , Philippe Wolff , André Feller , Dany Van Elder , Romuald Soin , Cyril Gueydan , Véronique Kruys , Louis Droogmans
The Bacillus subtilis open reading frame ysgA encodes the SPOUT methyltransferase RlmP forming 2'- O-methylguanosine at position 2553 in the A-loop of 23S rRNA